November 04, 2022
NGC 7331 and Stephan's Quintet
This is NGC 7331 and Stephan’s Quintet. I imaged it over 4 nights.
NGC 7331 (left) is a spiral galaxy about 40 million lightyears away. It appears similar in size and structure to the Milky Way galaxy.
Stephan’s Quintet (right) is a grouping of 5 galaxies. Four of the 5 galaxies form a galaxy group about 210-340 million lightyears away and will probably merge with each other. Stephan’s Quintet was one of the 5 images first released from the James Webb Space Telescope.
Exposure time: 11.5 hours
228×180″(11h 24′) (gain: 100.00) -10°C bin 1×1
RA: 22h36m31s.4
DEC: +34°12'28"
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