September 11, 2022
Pickering's Triangle
This is Pickering’s Triangle, it is part of the Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant. The Veil Nebula was formed by an explosion of a star 20x more massive than the Sun about 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. Pickering’s Triangle was discovered photographically in 1904 by Williamina Fleming, though credit was given to Edward Pickering, director of the observatory.
I imaged this over 4 nights, collecting Ha and OIII exposures for 3 nights, and a single night of broadband RGB. This false color image shows OIII as blue and Ha as red. I composited true color stars in place of the blue/teal stars from the dual narrowband Ha+OIII filter.
121×120″(4h 2′) (gain: 100.00) -5°C
Optolong L-eNhance 2”: 80×300″(6h 40′) (gain: 100.00) -10°C
Optolong L-eNhance 2”: 55×300″(4h 35′) (gain: 100.00) -5°C