May 13, 2022
This is Messier 100 (M100, NGC 4321). It’s a grand design intermediate spiral galaxy. M100 is about 55 million light-years away from Earth. It’s about 107,000 light-years in diameter. I counted at least 17 additional galaxies in this image. I imaged this over 5 nights and collected almost 20 hours of subframes. I ended up discarding a large portion of subframes due to poor seeing, poor tracking, and poor focus. In the end, I integrated 12 hours and 20 minutes of subframes.
201x120” (6h 42’) (gain: 100.00) -10°C
169x120” (5h 38’) (gain: 100.00) -20°C
RA: 12h22m55s.7
DEC: +15°49'19"
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