February 02, 2022
Rosette Nebula
This is the Rossette Nebula (NGC 2237) that I imaged on January 26th and presented as a false color image with doubly ionized oxygen as blue/teal, and hydrogen alpha appearing as red/orange. In true color, the nebula would appear red. The Rosette Nebula is about 5200 light-years away from earth in the constellation Monoceros. The nebula is about 130 light-years in diameter. There are numerous new stars inside the nebula, including massive O-type stars. The bubble at the center of the nebula contains superheated plasma ranging in temperature from 1-10 million Kelvin (1799540 - 17999540 F).
RA: 06h31m56.4s
DEC: +04°56'24"
AstroBin Link: https://www.astrobin.com/n6roa3/