December 21, 2021


The Pleiades (aka. The Seven Sisters, M45) is an open star cluster about 444 light years from Earth within the constellation Taurus. The cluster is dominated by hot blue stars that formed within the last 100 million years. The blue clouds are a reflection nebula that the cluster of stars are currently traveling through. The cluster’s core radius is about 8 light years. The cluster contains over 1000 (statistically) confirmed members. Up to 14 stars can be seen with the unaided eye depending on observing conditions. The cluster is estimated to be about 800 solar masses. The shape is similar to Ursa Major (the big dipper).

This is 5.5 hours of integrated images acquired over 3 nights.

RA: 03h47m00s.5
DEC: +24°07′22″