October 05, 2021
Andromeda Galaxy
This is the Andromeda Galaxy, about 2.5 million light years from Earth and the nearest large galaxy to our own. Its apparent size is 3.167 degrees across about 6 times the apparent size of the full moon. At magnitude 3.44 its visible to the unaided eye in dark locations (my eyes can’t see it at my location). I imaged this Friday night, taking 340 exposures, ultimately using 292 exposures for a total integration time of 4 hours 52 minutes.
I wish I could have had another night to get more time, but I only got one cloudless mostly moonless night.
RA: 00h42m47s.3
DEC: +41°15′10″
AstroBin Link: https://www.astrobin.com/wjrhyk/